By Marika Sboros
Canadian Mikhaila Peterson (26) has become the global poster girl for a carnivorous lifestyle.

Mikhaila now eats meat and salt only and drinks lots of sparkling water. She is the best advertisement for what she preaches about the benefits. Her skin glows with health and vitality . She has also overcome a daunting list of serious auto-immune illnesses that plagued her since childhood.
Following in her footsteps is her famous father, Dr Jordan Peterson, clinical psychologist and University of Toronto psychology professor. His diet is not as restrictive and he eats meat and greens only and olive oil. (Editor’s note: Dr Peterson recently ditched the greens to follow his daughter on the meat-only path.)
Both father and daughter say that they have reversed all symptoms of their previous severe illnesses. Both also no longer take a long list of prescribed drugs.
Peterson tells his health story on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast ( fast forward to the end of the first six minutes).
Medical horror story
Mikhaila has documented her story on the Don’t Eat That blog. It’s a fascinating read – a medical horror story.
Ultimately, Mikhaila says that she changed her health and life simply by ignoring conventional medical and dietary “wisdom”.
Her story begins with being “a really sick person” from toddlerhood. Arthritis was just one of the many serious ailments that showed up in early childhood. She has a genetic predisposition. Her mother, Tammy, reversed her own arthritis symptoms after changing to an LCHF diet.
From age two, Mikhaila was prone to bacterial infections – strep throat, colds, flu, respiratory problem, yeast infections. You name it, she suffered from it. When she was seven, doctors diagnosed severe rheumatoid arthritis. That came almost as a relief. Her parents had thought she was just spirited, demanding, attention-seeking.
And over the years, her moods began to swing wildly.
Dying dreams
In Grade 5, doctors diagnosed severe depression, anxiety and occasional hypomania, marked by elation and hyperactivity. Thus, they started prescribed drugs, lots of them.
“Antidepressants were honestly a godsend,” Mikhaila says.
Doctors also diagnosed “idiopathic hypersomnia”, a condition similar to narcolepsy. In other words, Mikhaila battled to stay awake. She often slept 17 hours a day. The rest of the time she existed in a “half daze”.
As a young child, Mikhaila had dreamed of becoming a surgeon. That dream disintegrated once she realised it wasn’t a good choice for someone with arthritic hands. By the time she was 17, 38 of her joints were arthritic and she had multiple joint replacements. She also suffered eczema and rashes over her entire body. She endured never-ending itchiness, severe acne on her face, cystic acne on her buttocks, vaginal area and armpits.
The health problems negatively affected her academic performance. As a result, Mikhaila had to repeat a year of high school. Aged 19, she went to university to study psychology. Her grades were good, she sys, but she “couldn’t stay awake.”
Academic dropout
After her mental health worsened, she dropped out of university. On her own, she took high-school maths and sciences that she had missed. She wanted to study medical science at university “to figure out what the hell was wrong with me”.
At the time, Mikhaila was on a cocktail of powerful drugs daily: antidepressants, immune suppressants, opioid-derived painkillers and, amphetamines. She took high doses of the stimulant drug, Ritalin, to stay awake for at least some hours of the day.
Her skin started to itch. With all the other health challenges, she ignored that one. But the skin problems worsened. And at age 19 she began to have cystic acnes – blistering and painful bumps.
Vanity was the first stimulus to start experimenting with diet. “The sight of sores on my face that would not heal scared me,” she says. In late 2014, she consulted medical doctors who either had no idea what the abuse was or said that high levels of anxiety were the cause. In other words, that her problems were psychosomatic, all in her head.
“Blame the patient, thanks,” Mikhaila says ruefully.
Food intolerances
Thus began her chronic scepticism of the medical profession that motivated her to investigate food as medicine. Gluten became a target and she cut it from her diet in 2015. It helped to some extent and Mikhaila spent much of that year learning. Increasing severe food intolerances made her feel miserable most of the time.
Then, in the summer of 2015, a distant cousin died suddenly aged 30. The cousin also had skin problems that wouldn’t heal – an autoimmune disorder. Doctors had no idea what caused the death and it left Mikhaila terrified.
She recalls thinking: “Holy shit. I’m dying. I’m on 15 medications so I can wake up in the morning. And if I don’t figure out what the hell is wrong with me I’m going to die. too”
In September 2015, she began an elimination LCHF diet but was still sceptical about the role of diet in illness.
Mikhaila ate only chicken, beef, fish, rice, sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach and salad greens. She used coconut, olive oil and apple cider vinegar and most spices. Within a month, her health had improved significantly. Her skin healed and arthritis vanished. The fatigue and depression, however, continued .
Some foods still irritated her but she found that she had removed most of the worst offenders. Mikhaila tried to reintroduce cheese – she was always a huge fan. That led to a lactose intolerance response. She tried reintroducing almond butter but the itch and arthritis returned. So she ditched it .
Skin stories
Mikhaila also tried reintroducing Sour Patch Kids candy. The producers call it a “fun, soft, and chewy candy for children and adults”. As it contains no soy, dairy or gluten, Mikhaila thought it was unlikely to do any harm. Her skin, however, told “a different story”. The candy was off the list.
Much of what she had read about diet and health was based on the premise that it doesn’t matter what you eat as long as you exercise. “That is a dangerous lie,” Mikhaila says. “What you put into your body is as important as what medications you’re taking. Changing the way you eat can change your life.”
And when she became pregnant her daughter, Elizabeth Scarlett, Mikhaila found it easy to resist conventional dietary advice. She ate LCHF foods throughout her pregnancy. “No cheating, ever.”
After Scarlett’s birth in August 2017, Mikhaila began researching the benefits of ketogenic diets. She decided to try a “zero-carb”, all-meat diet. She follows it to this day and now eats mostly ribeye steak, 2-3 pounds of meat a day and drinks lots of aforementioned sparkling water.
Results, she says, have been nothing short of “amazing”.
Waking up
Mikhaila describes the effects of diet as “like waking up”. But it also disturbed her to realise that she might have been able to prevent all her illnesses and hip and ankle replacements simple with diet.
Her menu can sound spartan, dangerous – or perfectly natural, depending on your inclination. Mikhaila calls it “simple, easy and tasty”. The carnivorous diet also helped her lose pregnancy weight in an enviably short time.
She no longer takes vitamin and mineral supplementation. “It did nothing to improve my symptoms,” she says. She receives emailed suggestions daily from people offering advice. “Honestly, I’ve tried everything. What works best for me is a carnivorous diet.”
Mikhaila isn’t saying that a carnivorous diet will work for everyone. But for anyone with serious health problems, she says that it makes sense to try radical dietary change before pharmaceutical drugs.
Does she ever “cheat” and what’s the most unhealthy thing she does – if anything?
Well, she enjoys a little alcohol. However, once she changed to LCHF, she realised that alcohol affected her mood. “I seem to tolerate it better on the zero-carb diet,” she says. “So I will drink bourbon or vodka but rarely.”
She won’t raise Scarlett on a carnivorous diet but she says that her daughter is “already a fan of steak”. She won’t feed Scarlett dairy, gluten, or sugar and she’ll keep fruits “for treats”.
Click here to read: Carnivore Queen: Amber O’Hearn on magic of meat
Pet peeves and paradise
If she could edit her life, Mikhaila would change one thing. She would have started an all-meat diet earlier. Or at least she would have figured it out before needing surgery.
She has a few pet peeves. One is people ” who speak as if they know what they’re talking about when they don’t. They just spread misinformation.
As for her hopes and dreams, Mikhaila hopes that her extended family will figure their diets out. And that doctors will use diet as first-line treatment for chronic, nutrition-related disease.
“I hope all the unhappy, overweight, sick people find out that it’s food causing their problems. And that it’s not their fault and they can get better.
That leads to her idea of paradise. “A place where gluten is illegal, misinformation about diet doesn’t exist and people don’t think vegetarianism is the healthiest diet,” she says.
“Food almost ruined my life, my dad’s life, my husband’s life. This won’t continue through my line.”
Despite her health challenges or perhaps because of them, Mikhaila is remarkably resilient. She credits her parents with raising her that way.
“My father always told me to never use illness as an excuse. It’s an important lesson. What are the options? When life throws you curveballs you can give up and die or deal with it. I didn’t want to give up and die.”
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This is fascinating information. I am curious as to what their blood types are? I am struggling with similar issues. I can relate to the “it’s all in your head” diagnosis.
I have one question though. Posted in comments on FB articles before. Maybe i missed it in the article though, since i got no answers to this day.
What about the Vitamin C. To my knowledge, is not present in animal foods. Just in..vegetable sources (it makes me sick just pronouncing due to my hate for vegetable food). Doesn’t the body need this vitamin C? Preventing scurvy being the main reason?
I ask, due to my hate for greenish stuff. at the moment i still bother with peppers as i tolerate them, but heck…
There is actually Vitamin C in meat although not a lot but it is there. I believe Amber O’Hearn has written and spoken about this. Also, the body’s version of sugar and Vitamin C apparently compete for access to cells, so reducing sugar metabolism actually increases Vitamin C sensitivity, so a LCHF person or carnivore can get by on much less vitamin C because more of what they do get is making it into the cells.
There is vit C in meat. Carbs compete for access to cells so you need to consume more vit C with carbs. Meat only provides enough. In fact it is know that fresh meat will cure for scurvy.
L. Amber O’Hearn
From Gary Taubes’ Good Calories, Bad Calories, on p. 456 he reminds reader of pp. 320-26 where it is discussed that animal products contain all the amino acids, minerals, and vitamins essential for health. Issue of needing exogenous Vit C? Seems to only be a problem in presence of high carb.
Loved the article, but I admit I was looking for what she eats in a day; a week…Does she intermittant fast at all? 3 meals a day? What’s a breakfast look like; lunch? Dinner?
Inquiring minds want to know!
Linda – i have been on an all meat diet for over 3 years, due to severe food intolerance. All I eat is 1.5 lbs of raw ground beef (80/20) once a day. I feel really good eating this way.
Well done, Mikhaila.
I can only assume the trolls who didn’t like the picture were the usual fantatics who bring discredit on vegetarians and vegans. Human health isn’t very important to them. After all the trouble she’s had, Mikhaila’s entitled to be proud of looking and feeling so good. If beach photographs are ok, why isn’t this one? If she’s been fat and ugly, no doubt that would have been ’empowering’.
Mikhaila’s experience with doctors is sadly all too common, but, as we all know, most of them know little or nothing about food. Unless I have symptoms that concern me, I stay well away from doctors and the drugs they almost inevitably prescribe.
Please read the science, not the hype. Medscape just sent me, also a Medical Practitioner, a lot of links to the latest research, demonstrating how a plant-based diet leads to much improved health.
It may be true that one feels good eating a bad diet – for a while – but dead animals, when chewed and swallowed by humans, speed up the ageing process. Maybe you feel better for a while, like a car fitted with a turbocharger, but in the same way, the wear and tear is speeded up.
Before you post, can you not at least scan over the article? She’s been through hell on plants, and has found relief and salvation through meat. And you want to put her back through hell again because of some ignorant, misguided belief system. Over the next couple of decades plant-based will be dropped into the dustbin of history – and future generations will laugh at the stupidity of it!
One can grow all the food a vegan person need, on 2 square meters in ideal conditions. To grow all the animals to feed one person, you need between 9 and 16 Hectares.. and a hectare, for those who knows not, is about 10 000 square meters. Thus there will be intense famine soon if all wish to chew dead animals. Plus, of course the animals ingested all the toxins that was radiated upon and precipitated on around 50 000 times more surface than a vegan. I’m not a vegan but a VERY, exceptionally healthy vegetarian and, remembering my chronic ill health as an animal eater, plan to remain one.
If the land surrounding our villages, towns and cities were left to grow wild and we simply managed what was available to eat, would it be sustainable? I wonder what truth there is in this lack of sustainability when meat is concerned. Farming in the UK covers great swaiths of land, mostly for agriculture it seems, with a big rise in crops of oil seed rape and the like. I find it difficult to comprehend that much of what is raised in agriculture may even be necessary…. Adding to the equation some more is the amount of waste and associated processing requirements that needs to occur. It would be great to see how “sustainable” eating plants really is, after all 2500 kcal is a lot of dandelions….
How sustainable? Well I’ve been doing it for almost 40 years now… Or does that not sound sustainable?
From an individual perspective yes but… There are many reasons people will give for becoming vegetarian or vegan, that is personal choice however there is little personal choice in nature and as such if the area’s surrounding our villages, towns and cities were left to grow wild sustainability would become nature’s choice. With that we would all be forced to adhere to our species type eating habits. Human beings are omnivorous not vegetarian. The closer we adhere to our natural eating habits the healthier we will be. As such a diet rich in animals of all shapes and sizes would be consumed. As humans we have only short large intestines, the area that is used for the digestion of plant matter, compared with herbivorous animals like our closely related cousins gorillas, which have a long large intestine. Time will surely tell as to how well vegetarians thrive. I have yet to see families of vegetarians with generations that have followed a herbivorous lifestyle. We are just seeing what is happening to the recent generations that have adopted the low fat high carb approach and it’s far from pretty. To closely resemble our natural eating habits is the key to all of the sustainability issues. With little processing, little waste, less energy consumed. Let’s get the open fields back to forests, the yet more open fields back to open plains. Idealistic I know but…there are far more species of animal that can sustain and invigour life that nature has already provided. Far more than the plants than man has invented…
The vegetarian argument always avoids the the subject of the harm done by crop growing and the fact that meat production turns grass into protein.
The fields around me are feeding sheep and cows grazing freely in the fields. That sort of meat production is far more sustainable than mono-culture crops grown with pesticides and scarce water.
The most commonly reported change by people who change to a low carb way of eating is an increase in the amount of vegetables eaten. But dispensing with the fear of natural fat offends the plant-based ideology.
No an animal cannot “turn grass into protein”.. ALL proteins are produced in plants. Animals just re-arrange the sequence of amino acids they get from plants. And this re-arranged sequence closely resembles our own.. which means we have to make enzymes to dis-assemble proteins (digest them) and antibodies that attach to them… both these can easily turn on our own. This is the basis of degenerative and auto-immune diseases.
Yes I have just been walking over the local farmland these last few sunny days. The year the majority of it seems to be rape, but wheat is not far behind. Most of the other crops are carbs too. The Big Arable guys I know do their best for the wildlife and grow pheasants and partridges around the field margins which are left to, or sown with, wildfowers for winter seed.
Nevertheless they use huge quantities of diesel and chemicals. Beef and lamb comes from smaller farms with much lower inputs mainly on land which cannot be cropped. Grass is human-indigestible until turned into meat. Free range pork is somewhere in between – as non-ruminants they are largely fed grains and soy and other stuff, but their dung and rooting rejuvenates the land for future crops.
I find the carnivores very interesting but personally I like to have some vegetables with my meat, poultry, game and fish. Just not the Holy Health Grains, sugar or manufactured foodlike substances. Sorry dieticians but I have not yet expired without them.
I’m not sure what side of the argument this falls on, but it is Allan Savory on desertification – He dispels many myths – ONE was that only dry lands get desertified (turned into deserts). The other myth was that grazing led to desertification. After having 40K elephants shot early in his career (a mistake he says he’ll bring with him to his grave), it made things WORSE. He felt so guilty he devoted his life to finding out HOW THIS WORKS. Also addresses climate change and how it can be vastly ameliorated.
Allan Savory
How to fight desertification and reverse climate change
4,555,886 views • 22:19 Minutes • Subtitled in 35 languages
Go away and educate yourself on the C02 release ploughing up land for plants, and carbon sequestration properties of properly husbanded animals. Then find yourself a picture of the acres of greenhouse covering large parts of Spain to feed UK vegans. You say you are not vegan, but the way you talk of eating animals speaks volumes. Proper animal husbandry, combined with non destructive arable farming and crop rotation, taking care of our animals, soils and water supplies. Fix the world by eating less but better quality!
My family practices regenerative farming, as my parents and grandparents did. Separating the animals from the plants only damages the land. You really need both to balance your soil. The way most modern farming is done IS destructive to the soil, and our planet as a whole. You’re not doing better if you exclude one or the other from the farm. There seems to be this myth that removing the animals from the landscape is better for our environment and food system when it is most certainly not. Did you want nutrients in your food? Then you want animals to balance the cycle of life. Famine comes in many forms – not just in the quantity of food we consume. The nutritional quality of our food is important, and yet we keep a system in place that is destroying the quality of our soil and robbing us of quality food.
This is so wrong on many levels. Your body needs vitamins and minerals from all kinds of foods. I have been living an LCHF diet for the last six months and my body has responded positively. I no longer have metabolic syndrome and I have lost all of my visceral fat and I feel great. So does my husband who has now lost 56 lbs in weight. But I have always given us a moderate-carb diet and not a low-carb diet. Because I absolutely believe that high carbs are bad for you…but that you need the vitamins and minerals from great low carb vegetables that are out there. As well as vegetables, cheeses, yoghurts, small amount of fruit, nuts etc. I absolutely do not agree that cutting all food groups out other than meat is good for any person at all.
None of the great doctors and professors on the DietDoctor site advocate a meat-only way of life
Maggie – there are natural chemicals in plant foods that are very bad for some of us. You might want to do a little more research on the subject. You can start here: http://www.diagnosisdiet.com/food/vegetables/
Hi Maggie, nowhere does Mikhaila say that a meat-only diet is for everyone. The point of her story is that it works for her after excluding all other foods. Of course, it’s extreme to anyone with a western dietary mindset. However, there are traditional societies, including the Inuit in Canada, who have eaten high-meat, high-fat diets because that’s all the food to which they have access most of the year. And they have survived and thrived. They only started experiencing diseases that plague the West – obesity, diabetes, heart disease, etc, once they changed to a higher-carb, and refiend and processed carb diet. I also know many doctors across the globe, including the two US physicians mentioned in that article, Dr Shawn Baker who eats meat only and Dr Ted Naiman, whose diet is around 70% meat and they are doing just fine. In my opinion, and I am not expert but I have done years of investigation and reading on the matter, the gut microbiome is the deciding factor. And everyone’s microbiome is different. Some people can likely not handle a meat-only diet well. Others, Mikhaila among them, are clearly thriving on it. There is no one-size-fits-all but her story and others show that there is no need to fear a meat-only diet. Animal foods just happen to be the most nutrient-dense on the planet. With the best will in the world, plant foods just can’t compete.
Indeed there are such peoples… but then they have a VERY active (hunting) lifestyle, likely less intellectual activity and their life expectancy is not good..
Even if their life expectancy is not good, it doesn’t automatically follow that their diet is what is reducing their life expectancy. In the case of the Inuit, for example, I have previously encountered the argument that their current relatively low life expectancy is the direct result of thier traditional high fat diet. What is ignored in this assertion is that with a multitude of confounding factors, it is fallacious to cherry pick two of them and then assume that there must be a causal relation between them. The Inuit have one of the highest smoking rates in North America, which seems a much more likely causal factor than fat, considering they lived for centuries on their traditional diet before being introduced to tobacco and the other industrial society products Marika describes above. As for being physically active, perhaps so, but it’s not as if more or less physical activity will alter the fundamental way substances are processed by the body; this is underscored by the fact that exercise has been shown to only marginally effective in mitigating obesity and its associated health issues, leading to the aphorism that “You can’t outrun a bad diet.” Indeed, it is because peoples such as the Inuit have needed to be as physically active as they have that if thier traditional diets were truly and fundamentally unhealthy they would certainly have all died out long ago. (As for less “intellectual activity,” my impression is that much of a traditional society’s mental resources are focused upon surviving and thriving in an environment that might well kill someone born and raised in the industrial world, not just due a modern person’s lack of physical fitness but of requisite knowledge to survive, so it strikes me as an apples and oranges comparison.)
Vince Gionda, the famous bodybuilder and gym owner ate a steak and eggs diet.
Here is good article on the history of an all meat diet: http://www.diagnosisdiet.com/all-meat-diets/
All of us who have lived over the past 50 years have been subjected to the brainwashing and dogma of the dieticians and ‘nutritionists’ ‘more fibre is better’ and ‘eat your 64 a day’ brigade. I recall in my twenties doing the F-Plan diet. How rich Audrey Eyton got with that one! I’m glad that Mikhaila has found her own way through her (many) troubles, but I feel for her parents having had to live through that and feeling so helpless, and then afterwards knowing that the cure was available to them had they only known. But the dogma and the trust in doctors was so ingrained in us you wouldn’t imagine that rather than helping your child they were killing her!
Fortunately they are a resilient family, and I’m sure they look more to the future than regret the past. I wish them well…
Bravo to Michaela…you and your folks are awesome and very forward thinking and moving the food-illness conversation forward and upward!
For people with histamine issues, which can pose a problem with meats that are typically aged to some degree, we found that soaking beef, chicken, pork and even fish in slightly warmed and salted water for 15 minutes then thoroughly rinsing under running water eliminates a great deal of the histamine raising bacteria on the meats’ and skins’ surfaces. This really does work very well. My wife’s histamine reactions to eating grass-fed beef are now completely gone with this method. Give it a try and see for yourself. One caveat, this does not work for grass-fed ground beef. Grass-fed animals are lower in fat than grain-fed/finished and are therefore a bit less tender in general. Typically, the meats are hung and aged for a period of days and even up to several weeks in order to allow beneficial bacteria to proliferate from the outside-in on the meat’s surface which helps in the breaking down of somewhat tougher tissue. The longer the meat is aged the more tender and flavorful. The soaking and rinsing works well on the unground beef pieces but once ground the bacteria are then mixed into the meat and there’s no real way to effectively get rid of it. We’ve tried and have not really had success doing this. By the way, this also works really well with organ meats. We now enjoy liver with no headaches or anxiety/depression reactions.
Hope this helps those with histamine issues..it has us!
How much salt to how much water?
Enough water to cover and one teaspoon of salt. You might want to let soak for a longer bit of time depending on how you bad your histamine issues are. I hope this helps
Great, thank you.
I have nothing but praise for Mikhaila. From a sickly child to a healthy, beautiful young lady. All this from dietary change and nothing else with no help from the medical profession! Having positive parents as a role models would have helped her go through her tough times, no doubt
I did an elimination diet for a couple weeks, eating beef, chicken, lots of greens and broccoli, olive & coconut oil and sweet potatoes. Constipated after about three days. I barely “went” even with lots of fiber and fat. ‘Twas disconcerting. Do one’s bowels ever move on so much meat?
Jennifer, try to add bone broth to your diet and good magnesium, like citrate. Drink enough of water. Also, you may want to have larger doses of pure ascorbic acid, for example one big teaspoon dissolved in 200ml of water and drink slowly. That should help. Cheers!
Thanks for those tips! 🙂 I *did* drink a LOT of water, hoping that would return things to normal. Will use bone broth as some of my fluids . I have not heard about ascorbic acid until now.
I’m a BIG fan on bone broth! Easy source of many minerals 😉
Her complaint was constipation. Please answer her question.
Jennifer – You will likely go to the bathroom easier is you eliminate all plant foods. That been the almost universal experience of people in my Facebook group Principia Carnivora. It tajes the body a few weeks to adapt to all-meat. Eating more fat can help keep things moving better, especially in the beginning. Most people do not have a bowel movement every day on an all-meat diet. Some only go once a week. As long as you are not in pain or discomfort, you are not constipated.
It may be too much fiber in your diet or maybe your body is different and you are able to eat other things? You’ve really just got to listen to your body and it will tell you if something disagrees with you
Having followed a LCHF/carnivorous diet for around a decade, I’ve found that there’s a period of adaptation that varies from person to person. I would say that this fundamentally is due to how insulin resistant/sensitive that person is. Sticking with things, you’ll find that once your sensitivity has become normal other changes occur. Protein sensitivity increases, vitamin C sensitivity plus many other changes. All of which come together over a period of time that will be individual to you. Possibly weeks but more than likely months, even years. Keep the chicken consumption low, as they are very low in fat. I have seen symptoms of hypoglycemia in people that “forget” that it’s high-fat not modern low-fat that we are trying to achieve, ending up with a very high-protein diet…. Like Jimmy Moore experienced in his experiments recently. As for constipation, well I was a twice a day man on a modern diet, having adapted to my current eating habits I would say that any more than 2 – 3 times a week and I’d be wondering if I’d had my food spiked!
Actually, the recent research shows that fiber is unnecessary and actually blocks people up, the opposite of what we have been told. On a carnivore diet, you will likely go much less frequently as meat is fully digested and absorbed, so very little waste to eliminate. Don’t confuse not going with constipation. I found I went only every 3 or 4 days and then it was like coffee grounds, no problems at all. But some people do find an adjustment period is needed.
Besides bone broth try to add fermented cabbage, I also noticed that eating soft bones from the broth made in a pressure cooker stimulates bowel movement. If all fails take psyllium before going to sleep with a glass of water
Remember that meat is just plants that has already been eaten, sometimes more than once, before you get your chance… and it contains no residual fiber after digestion so indeed if you don’t have a reasonable amount of plant food with it, it can cause severe constipation.
That is not the experience of all medical, dietetic and other people I know who are carnivores. Plant food is not necessary to prevent constipation. Ask the Inuit and the Maasai.
Dr. André Kruger – With all due respect, you clearly have not tried a carnivore diet. I know hundreds of people who eat only meat and are not constipated. In fact, many who have had lifelong bowel issues, including constipation, while eating a plant-based diet, experience a complete resolution of their issues by adopting a carnivore diet.
Courtesy http://www.thefatemperor.com (Ivor Cummins who went to their recent conference)
The Staffan Lindeberg Memorial Conference, Lisbon 2017
Abstract – Csaba Tóth, Andrea Dabóczi, Mária Schimmer, Zsofia Clemens
PALEOLITHIC KETOGENIC DIET (PKD): A diet covering and limited to our physiological needs We have developed the PKD in 2010-2011. PREVIOUSLY WE HAVE BEEN USING THE PALEOLITHIC DIET WHICH PROVED TO BE INEFFECTIVE IN THE VAST MAJORITY OF CHRONIC CONDITIONS. WE BELIEVE THAT THE PKD (PALEOLITHIC KETOGENIC DIET) IS THE ONLY EVOLUTIONARY ADAPTED DIET FOR HUMANS. Rehabilitation of chronic diseases is most effective when the diet is limited to our real physiological needs.
EATING FRUITS AND VEGETABLES DOES NOT FORM PART OF OUR PHYSIOLOGICAL NEED BUT ARE ASSOCIATED WITH RISKS. PLANT FOODS CAN ONLY BE REGARDED AS “RELATIVELY” SAFE AND ONLY WHEN CERTAIN PLANT FOOD ITEMS ARE CONSUMED AND ONLY IN LIMITED AMOUNTS. The diet was derived from clinical evidence and was not primarily influenced by archeological or ethnographic evidence, given that the application of the diet is clinical too. Altogether clinical experience was derived from about 4000 patients. Characterizaton of the PKD • 70-100% animal based food, 0-30% plant based foods (in volume) “Diet exactly confined to our needs” “Physiologically still tolerable diet”
Therapeutic protocol of Paleomedicina Hungary (PDF Download Available). Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/323151200_Therapeutic_protocol_of_Paleomedicina_Hungary [accessed Apr 07 2018].
Famous year-long study of all-meat diet (1928-1929) of two Arctic Explorers (V. Stefansson & K. Anderson) – their urine was tested regularly to prove they remained in ketosis:
(From the Russell Sage Institute of Pathology in Affiliation with the Second Medical (Cornell) Division of Bellevue Hospital, New York)
(Received for publication, February 13, 1930.)
“Two normal men volunteered to live solely on meat for one year, which gave us an unusual opportunity of studying the effects of this diet. The term “meat,” as used by us, included both the lean and the fat portions of animals. The subjects derived most of their calories from fat…It is well known that the Eskimos have lived on an almost exclusive meat diet for generations.
“Certain explorers in the North also have subsisted for long periods on meat.
“Dr. Vilhjalmur Stefansson in particular has demonstrated that it is feasible for travelers in the arctic region to “live off the country,” which means living on meat alone. The experiences of Stefansson and his companions have been given in his book “The Friendly Arctic”
He spent over 11 years in arctic exploration, during 9 years of which he lived almost exclusively on meat. Stimulated by this experience, Stefansson and Andersen, the latter a member of one of the expeditions, voluntarily agreed to eat nothing but meat for 1 year while they continued their usual activities in the temperate climate of New York….” [etc. Entire study is contained in the pdf above]
PAULA’s ADDITION COMMENT: Stefansson lost a few pounds, got even better blood pressure, lost gingivitis. NO ILL EFFECTS WHATSOEVER, ONLY GOOD. From Taubes’ Good Calories, Bad Calories, p. 456, reminds reader of pp. 320-26 where it was discussed that animal products contain all the amino acids, minerals, and vitamins essential for health. Issue of needing exogenous Vit C? Only a problem in presence of high carb.
Thank you for this interview. I’m so glad her story is getting attention. I pray that the information will help others to avoid years of unnecessary suffering like she and I have been through. Fatty beef is the onkl food I feel good eating. I drink only water. I eat no salt. I am into my fourth year as a carnivore. I do have histamine intolerance which complicates things a bit since all beef is aged (histamines are present in all aged and fermented foods), and I have to be careful to eat very fresh beef. I was a vegan and vegetarian for the better part of 25 years and it wrecked my health. Who knew plant foods could be so incredibly destructive to the human body?! Many people with extreme total food intolerance like myself whom I have meat through my Facebook group Principia Carnivora seem to have a history of veganism or vegetarianism. It’s really kind of scary, to be honest. We have been playing Russian Rouelette with our diets and we are not winning. No human society has ever eschewed all animal foods in favor of plant foods by choice until now. Thank you for helping to share the truth.
The single best thing this woman has done, is deciding to take 101% control of her OWN body and it’s Treatment.
– Well Done You !
What an inspiring of story of courage and determination! Thank you for sharing this and all the best to Mikhalia and family!