Tim’s Angels: hear them speak! One night only – book now!



People have quickly dubbed them “Tim’s Angels”. They are three down-to-earth international experts on low-carb, high-healthy-fat eating. They are flying in to support University of Cape Town emeritus professor Tim Noakes in his trial on a charge of unprofessional conduct. That’s for his views on butter, eggs, bacon and broccoli – and biltong along the way.

Join us at an exclusive dinner in Cape Town on October 26, 2016 to hear what the angels say about the trial. You’ll hear British obesity researcher and public health nutritionist Dr Zoë Harcombe, US science writer Nina Teicholz  and proudly South African-Kiwi academic and registered dietitian Dr Caryn Zinn on a panel with Noakes. 

The speakers will give their reflections on the HPCSA hearing. You’ll hear of their experiences since they nailed their colours to  the mast of cutting-edge nutrition science.

screen-shot-2016-10-13-at-1-31-31-pmYou’ll hear firsthand of the resistance they encounter in trying to change official  Dietary Guidelines. Noakes has called South Africa’s dietary guidelines “misguidelines” for good reason.

Most of all, you will hear about the safety and efficacy of LCHF to treat and prevent serious disease, or simply just to feel great.

Harcombe’s books include The Obesity Epidemic and her eponymous The Harcombe Diet. Teicholz is author of The Big Fat Surprise. Zinn is author of What the Fat.

If you don’t know what books Noakes has written, you must have been living on another planet. He is author of, among others, Challenging Beliefs. He is writing a book on the HPCSA trial against him. Watch this space!

Your master of ceremonies for the dinner will be another of Tim’s Angels: the irrepressible Karen Thomson. Thomson is author of Sugar Free: 8 weeks to freedom from sugar and carb addiction.

The Noakes Foundation is sponsoring the event. Foodmed.net is delighted to be the official media sponsor of a unique occasion. To book for this once-only event, click here. Dinner will be delectable Banting fare, of course!

  • The Health Professions Council of SA hearing against Prof Tim Noakes runs in Cape Town from October 17 to 26. Click here to check Foodmed.net’s exclusive coverage of the Tim Noakes Trial.
  • Follow Marika Sboros on Twitter @MarikaSboros – She will be tweeting live on the trial again
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