By Marika Sboros
For decades, cardiologists, dietitians and assorted experts around the globe have warned people to avoid saturated fat like the proverbial plague. They said it was bad for hearts, that it would strike people down in their prime.
Turns out they got it wrong – very wrong.
Evidence shows saturated fat isn’t the heart health demon we’ve been led to believe it is. It won’t clog arteries. It won’t give you a heart attack or stroke. Many scientists now say the so-called “diet-heart hypothesis” is unproven dogma and deadly dangerous at that. It underpins official dietary guidelines in the US and many other countries. It has bred fat phobia that can be fatal.
They say the diet-heart hypothesis is terminally ill and must be killed quickly and humanely to save lives around the globe:
The role of saturated fat in the diet will be under the microscope at Low Carb USA 2016 – San Diego from July 29 – 31. It is the largest scientific conference of its kind, billed as a “rumble in the nutrition science jungle“. It brings together more than 20 of the world’s leading experts who will examine the science on optimum nutrition for bodies, hearts and minds.
On the panel of speakers is “Denver’s Diet Doctor”, Dr. Jeffry Gerber, and the man known as The Fat Emperor – Irish biochemical engineer Ivor Cummins. They will give a joint presentation on fat phobia. They will dispel the dangerous myths it perpetuates about saturated fat and heart disease (to see a preview video of their talk, scroll down below).

Gerber is a family physician and tech geek who became increasingly frustrated with the limitations of mainstream medicine, the myths, misinformation and fatal mistakes that lay in its wake, and the effects on his patients’ health. He started researching alternatives. He has developed a viable model of health-care in place of the conventional sick-care model.
When Gerber first met Ivor Cummins on YouTube, he quickly realized they had much in common. He says they were quite simply “destined to work together”.
Cummins had a health scare in 2013 after poor blood test results indicated possible heart problems. He consulted different doctors, but found they had little real understanding of the readings or what to do about them.
With his biochemical background, Cummins did what he does best: researched the scientific evidence, followed the data and after a few weeks resolved the root causes of his health problem.
Better still, he says he was able to do so without resorting to powerful drugs or surgical procedures that carry the risk of side effects and complications.
At Low Carb USA 2016, Gerber and Cummins will share riveting stories of conflict and dissension in the ranks of medical and nutrition scientists. They will dissect conventional “wisdom” and expose its terminal weaknesses that have made people around the globe grow fatter and sicker.
In their presentation, Gerber and Cummins will demonstrate among others,that
- High cholesterol is not the most significant cause of coronary disease;
- Dietary fat’s effect on cholesterol does not negatively influence heart disease risk;
- Heart disease and diabetes are not naturally progressive diseases that require drugs for life to reduce future risk.
Together, Gerber and Cummins say they will convey a different message from conventional medical and dietetic “wisdom”. It will be one of hope to beat not just heart disease but also obesity, type 2 diabetes, cancer and all the other chronic diseases that are epidemic in the US and globally.
Other international experts on Low Carb USA 2016’s stellar Speaker Lineup include:
- US science writer Gary Taubes, author of Why We Get Fat And What To Do About It, and his newest book, The Case Against Sugar;
- Dietitian and associate professor in the University of Connecticut professor kinesiology department Dr Jeff Volek;
- University of South Florida assistant professor in the department of molecular pharmacology and physiology Dr Dominic D’Agostino;
- Duke Univeristy associate professor of medicine Dr Eric Westman; and
- Canadian nephrologist Dr Jason Fung.
For healthcare professionals, Low Carb USA 2016 – San Diego is a CME activity that has been reviewed and is acceptable for up to 16.5 Prescribed credits by the American Academy of Family Physicians.
The conference will be held in the main ballroom of the Westin Gaslamp Hotel in Downtown San Diego.
- For more information visit: http://lowcarbusa.org/
- Follow me on Twitter @MarikaSboros
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74 and healthier and fitter than I have been in years. LCHF has helped me eliminate meds for T2D and Hypertension as well as pain meds for arthritis. That pains has virtually disappeared as a result of the reduction in inflammation associated with LCHF. Why did I have to suffer for so long? Why has the dietary and medical establishment failed us? Oh! Well! At least we can go forward in good health and enjoy the rest of our days.
14 years and 7 years of chronic medication has ended since changing to LC in favour of HF.
6 months of HFLC awareness and practise has put paid to medication for hypertension and threat of cardiovascular disease, diabetes 2, and obesity which was probably the initial cause, attributed to Hypothyroidism of 24 years standing. Genetic predisposition is easily taken for granted as an excuse for medication with no consideration for the danger of high carb consumption. I am but one of thousands who are sharing similar experiences daily. I am 77 but it is not too late for change.
That’s fantastic Euodia Steyn …never too late to feel 20 years younger, and have a chance at 20 – possibly 30 more years! One of the thousands…..and growing!! In good health 🙂 <3